Bryan Andresen

Being born in Portland and raised in Junction City, I have fairly deep roots as a fifth generation Oregonian. I also have roots in Astoria: My father and both his parents and grandparents were born and raised in the area. I recently retired as a physician; my self-taught, amateur photography "career", however, began in earnest about 4 years ago. My photographs are typically the result of an enthusiastic journey in search of unique glimpses of nature. I enjoy the entire process of planning an outing, observing the weather, light, and composition of the subject. The actual “taking” of a photograph affects me. Often my heart will race, giving me immediate feedback that the image is original and worthwhile. The photographic process is a journey of the translation of light on the camera sensor to a print that sparks in me the original aesthetic and emotional response. Whether the result is an image of a landscape, water in all its forms, or rock strata, I seek meaning in a beautiful “snapshot” of color, time and space.
