LightBox Photographic Gallery

PNW 40 (Pacific Northwest 40) - 2020

This group exhibit celebrates the Photographic Talent of the Pacific Northwest. We feature work that exhibits the unique vision and creativity of the individual photographer. One image each from 40 photographers was chosen to be featured in the exhibit.

Laura Kurtenbach • Mute
Laura Kurtenbach •
Laura Kurtenbach is an American artist, photographer and educator. Laura has worked in the photography industry professionally for over 20 years and has over a decade of teaching experience in a variety of settings including a professor for the Academy of Art University. Laura is currently based in Portland, OR . “Femme Noir” is a reaction to how our culture represents women, both in my own experiences and especially in the media. This work cannibalizes ideas found in popular media/culture and refocuses them to address feminist issues and concerns. The end result is a photograph, utilizing mixed media- including collage, sculpture and light as a way to create images which can open the conversation about how women are represented and to help support and empower us all.

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