LightBox Photographic Gallery

PNW 40 (Pacific Northwest 40) - 2020

This group exhibit celebrates the Photographic Talent of the Pacific Northwest. We feature work that exhibits the unique vision and creativity of the individual photographer. One image each from 40 photographers was chosen to be featured in the exhibit.

Sam Blair • Monoliths
Sam Blair •
I talk to Gulls. Call me a Gull whisperer. Crows and Ravens. too, but they prefer city life, so I rarely see them on remote beaches where I go to soothe my soul, like this one, in Bandon, Ore. These iconic monoliths were formed 15 million years ago, by lava flowing from ancient volcanic blasts. Walking among these giants today puts everything in perspective. They were there long before the genesis of our species crawled from the sea. They will be there long after we disappear. Generation after generation, they grace our lives with their silent, majestic presence. Try standing on the wet sand after the tide has been towed out by the moon, surrounded by the sound and scent of the rolling ocean. Rest your hand on the weathered face of one. You just might feel connected with that eternal life force of the ages, as I do. In addition to gull whispering, I’m a refocussed trial lawyer, a travelholic, a martial arts Black Belt in Aikido, passionate and grateful about pretty much everything, particularly portraits and seascapes. My life mantra comes from Hospice volunteer training: “It’s not about you”.

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