LightBox Photographic Gallery

PNW 40 (Pacific Northwest 40) - 2020

This group exhibit celebrates the Photographic Talent of the Pacific Northwest. We feature work that exhibits the unique vision and creativity of the individual photographer. One image each from 40 photographers was chosen to be featured in the exhibit.

Rory O’Neil • Foggy Marquam PDX
Rory O’Neil •
Foggy Marquam PDX
Being an avid urban hiker and photographer, I spend as much time as possible out on the streets with my camera.  My favorite time for these pleasures is late at night when I have the city to myself.  I am delighted by the pedestrian, everyday scenes I encounter, especially when the streets are deserted.  I use my tripod and medium format mirrorless camera to capture these scenes and present them in photographs for the viewer to see in a new way or maybe for the first time, as I see them.  In gazing these works, I invite the beholder to join me in my “church”.

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