LightBox Photographic Gallery

PNW 40 (Pacific Northwest 40) - 2020

This group exhibit celebrates the Photographic Talent of the Pacific Northwest. We feature work that exhibits the unique vision and creativity of the individual photographer. One image each from 40 photographers was chosen to be featured in the exhibit.

David Tucker • Dancework #394
David Tucker •
Dancework #394
DANCEWORKS explores the movement of modern and ballet dancers in studio, natural and urban environments. What is most intriguing to me about these two art forms, dance and photography, is that they are contradictory to each other in their basic natures, yet complement one another perfectly. Photography is a medium of the moment, created faster than the eye can blink, and in that fraction of a second, an image is forever fixed. Dance, on the other hand, is an art of fleeting presence, vanishing in almost the same instant of its creation. Its creative strengths remain its transitions, movements leading to other movements, its fluidity and inherent sense of musicality.  Together these two art forms create a visual alchemy: line and shape, movement and stillness, shadow and light, capturing the transitory beauty of one through the mechanical machinations of the other. This combination of dance and photography continues to challenge and inspire.

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