Friderike Heuer

The Refugees’ Dreams

This series of photomontages is dedicated to those fleeing their war-torn countries and to those helping refugees settle. "As an immigrant myself I am aware of the difficulties adjusting to a new culture, a new language, the loss of what was and the obstacles to integration. I can only imagine how much harder it is when these changes are forced by the need to escape war zones without being welcome somewhere else. My work tries to address these issues by focusing on what we all have in common: a desire for peace, for absence of harm, for a future that allows our children to grow and prosper. Being aware of what unites rather than separates us from those seeking asylum might diminish the distance between us. Perhaps it will help us to get involved in finding solution to the refugee crisis. That is the hope, at least." ~ Frederike Heuer

Federike Heuer • Fluechtlingstraum
Federike Heuer • Fluechtlingstraum
